Writing Guidelines

Members and Visitors

  1. Members are not to sanction any political organisation or religious organisation in their writings or readings in meetings.
  2. Expletives or bad language are not permitted in writings or readings in meetings.
  3. Mobiles phones either turnoff or on silent.
  4. When a Member/Visitor is reading their story, refrain from chatting.
  5. Please assist in the setup/takedown and general tidying up of the room after each meeting.

Reading of Stories

  1. Members must announce the title of the stories he/she is presenting; the number of words and the type of story that will be read (fiction, non-fiction, poetry, ).
  2. Stories MUST be kept to a maximum of 1000-words.
  3. Read your story slowly and clearly.
  4. Be prepared for suggestions and constructive comments by your fellow members. They are trying to help you improve your skills.

 Stories for Publication in the current years “Making a Splash.”

  1. All Member’s stories are due to the President/Publisher by the end of the last meeting in May of each year.
  2. Member publication guidelines can be found the “Author’s Guideline for Publication” sheet. A member that does not have one, please ask the Secretary or President for a copy.
  3. All Member’s stories are to be provided in a word.doc or word.docx format (Word) following guidelines as mentioned above.
  4. All members stories are to be delivered in an USB which will be returned to the Member if the USB has your name on it.
  5. Reminder: Only Members stories will be published.